Expand your student base with Online Courses...
The Careerlearn, an independent study program offering on-line courses, can help you increase enrollment in your adult education program or create a learning portal for your corporation. Careerlearn.org provides the training that people need to be successful in the workplace. This service of Western Suffolk BOCES takes advantage of today's technology to offer two types of on-line learning. Now you can add the Career Learning Center's roster of self-paced enhanced tutorials or instructor-led courses to your own adult education program. Western Suffolk BOCES will develop an agreement for you to offer online learning in your own catalog or through your own website.
Two Types of Online Programs
Instructor-Led Courses
For these on-line courses students are assigned an instructor who will answer specific questions, lead weekly chat room discussions, and evaluate the student's work. Students can study at the time of day they prefer, so long as they keep pace with the course schedule. Courses run for various lengths of time within a prescribed semester. Fall semester runs: October to January; Spring semester: February to June; Summer: semester, July to August. Instructor led courses may require a textbook purchase, which is available from our online bookstore.
Self-paced Enhanced Tutorials
Self-paced tutorials have audio lectures and practice exercises. There are no instructors facilitating the course. There is n osoftware or textbook to purchase, and they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Current list of Courses - Click Here
Administration Administration headaches are eliminated. Take the tour to see how easy it is to register a student.
Support All student support is handled by the professional Careerlearn staff. We will do everything possible to help your students learn!
Virtual Bookstore If a textbook is required, it can be purchased via our virtual bookstore.
You can Award a Certificate After successfully completing all assigned work and the final exam of instructor-led courses, students receive a certificate from your school's Career Learning Center.
- All students are issued a password valid for a period of time depending on length of the course
- Courses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Courses added continuously
- Check weekly for new listings!
- No software to buy!
- Your students do not have to own the software to study on-line.
- Students just need a computer connected to the Internet.
You can offer CEUs All on-line courses qualify for continuing education credits. Help your students get that promotion or new job! (Instructor-led courses only)
For more information 1-888-972-6237 or email support@careerlearn.org.